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Arnaud Le Forestier

Manager de Transition - Consultant Organisation
  • Tarif indicatif
    1 000 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Arnaud.
Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Paris et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Compétences (50)
Arnaud en quelques mots
Expertise de plus 20 ans partagée, en tant que manager opérationnel puis en tant que consultant et manager de transition. Orienté résultat et satisfaction client, j’interviens de manière très opérationnelle au plus près des équipes clients. Je mène des missions de Transformation des organisations, Expérience client, Stratégie Commerciale, Direction de projet/programme et Executive Consulting.
Dans le cadre de mon activité, je positionne le Digital au service des enjeux de l’entreprise afin d’optimiser la performance, la rentabilité et le développement des entreprises.
  • ALF Conseil
    Founder & Consulting Director
    janvier 2012 - Aujourd'hui (13 ans et 1 mois)
    Paris Area, France
    Consulting firm providing guidance to enterprises striving to enhance their performance, agility, innovation and creativity. Last missions delivered: 10 Months - TRANSITION MANAGER - ENGIE IT Mission : Transition management on the Digital Solutions service line including activities related to Web & Mobile developments, Salesforce, IA & Robotics, ECM, Electronic Signature (DocuSign), Office 365, Cloud (Azure & AWS). Deliverables: Organization transformation with focus on business models & strategies, sales process, financial reporting process, resources optimization and management. 8 Months - INTERIM MANAGER - French Subsidiary of Major German Industrial Mission: Management of Direct Sales Professional Department - CA 15M€ Management: 40 employees and reporting to CEO Deliverables: New matricial organization & sales strategies, new sales process, job descriptions of commercial profiles, redistricting of commercial territories 4 Months - SENIOR CONSULANT - French Subsidiary of Major German Industrial Mission: Audit of the Sales Administration for the Professional department (45 employees) Deliverables: Change and Migration Scenarios with impact assessment. Formalized macro-process book and services catalogue for internal customers 8 Months - SENIOR CONSULANT - Consulting Subsidiary of Keolis Group Mission: Project Management of Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment Deliverables: Business analysis, specifications, business processes, management of the integrator and PMO 16 Months - INTERIM MANAGER - Cloud ECM Solutions Provider Mission: Management of all French operations with a direct report to CEO based in New-York Achievement: Revenue +15% 10 Months - PROJECT DIRECTOR - Cloud ECM Solutions Provider Mission: Project management (Development team in US) of bank flow solution 12 Months - INTERIM MANAGER ( Sales Director) - Externalization of Back-Office Resourcesin Health, Mutual and Insurance sector 8 Months - BUSINESS CONSULTANT - OEM Software of Microsoft
  • ARES
    Business Unit Director
    septembre 2008 - décembre 2011 (3 ans et 3 mois)
    Paris Area, France
    Director ISA Business Unit – In charge of the Application Solutions Integration Operations Management (Payroll, Financial, Time Clocking Solutions) Missions : - Director of the business unit of application solutions integration : Revenue of the BU : 10,2 M€ ; - Direct responsibility of the consultants Management (60 consultants); - Supervision of project delivery (around 10 projects in the same time); - Management of the overall Sales & Marketing activities (3 sales engineer) - Develop partnerships with Civitas, Lefebvre Software, Asys, etc. Achievement: - Define a new internal organization process with achievement after 3 months : growth the gross profit from 2% to 18%.
  • Aconex
    Business Development Manager - SENA (Southern Europe & North Africa)
    janvier 2007 - juillet 2008 (1 an et 6 mois)
    London, United Kingdom - Aconex is Cloud collaboration system that uses the internet to manage information for projects of all sizes in construction, engineering and facilities management. Missions : - In charge of opening, developing and managing all operations in Southern Europe and North Africa. - In charge of the delivery Team (5 consultants on this geographical zone) Achievement: - Win 1 mega project ($5billion) in Algeria and 3 airport projects (€1billion) in France in opening territory.
Recommandations externes
  • Ecole de Commerce
    ISEG Nantes
    Maîtrise d’Expertise Commerciale, spécialisation Marketing
    Université des Sciences de Nantes
    Maîtrise d’Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion d’Entreprises