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David R.

Security and Cloud Expert
1 recommandation
  • Tarif indicatif
    975 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse4h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de David.
Localisation et déplacement
Bruxelles, VB, Belgique
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Bruxelles et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Compétences (13)
David en quelques mots
Expert securité réseau et cloud depuis plus de 10 ans, j'accompagne les entreprises dans leurs grands projets de migrations ou de sécurisation de leur infrastructure on-prem et sur le cloud.
Je suis aussi actif dans la formation dans ces deux domaines.
Mes principaux domaines de spécialisation sont les load-balancers, Web Application Firewalls, et le cloud AWS.
  • Proximus
    Security Expert
    juin 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 8 mois)
    Brussels, Belgium
    Security Expert
  • Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet
    Expert Teacher in Cyber-Security
    septembre 2021 - Aujourd'hui (3 ans et 5 mois)
    Teaching cyber-security as evening courses
  • EC-Council
    octobre 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 4 mois)
    1809 E 11th St, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA
    Instructor on EC-Council code-red platform
    - AWS pentesting : Getting started
    - Advanced AWS pentesting
1 recommandation externe

Rahima Kharbouch recommande David

Rahima KharbouchRK
Rahima Kharbouch
I warmly recommend David ROLIN as a senior Security Expert.
I had the opportunity to work closely with David on complex transformation projects for an extended period of time at Engie.
David has demonstrated his value and technical skills in performing all tasks.
Next to his technical skills, David has all the required Soft Skills that are important for just about every job:
I can mention his ability to work as a team and create an outstanding ambition despite the pressure and complexity of the projects.
  • DES, Entrepreneuriat, Entrepreneuriat, Entrepreneuriat
    University of Liège
    DES, Entrepreneuriat, Entrepreneuriat, Entrepreneuriat
  • Cisco CCNP Security
    Firebrand Training
    Cisco CCNP Security
  • Cisco CCDP
    Firebrand Training
    Cisco CCDP
  • Certification, Sales and commercial negociation, Sales and commercial negociation, Sales and commercial negociation
    Certification, Sales and commercial negociation, Sales and commercial negociation, Sales and commercial negociation
  • Master, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science
    Haute Ecole 'Léonard de Vinci', Bruxelles
    Master, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science, Industrial engineer in electronics and computer science