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Dimitri Gorbachevskii

Software Engineer | Python | FastAPI | Django
  • Tarif indicatif
    550 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Dimitri.
Localisation et déplacement
Antwerp, AN, Belgium
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Dimitri en quelques mots
My name is Dmytro. I have over 6 years of experience in developing web applications in Python. I have primarily worked in the e-commerce domain, gaining extensive experience with e-commerce systems and logistics companies.
I am passionate about creating efficient and scalable solutions that enhance user experiences and streamline business operations. I can help you with Python development, web application design, and optimizing e-commerce platforms for better performance and user engagement.
  • Sendcloud
    Senior Software Engineer
    mai 2021 - Aujourd'hui (3 ans et 9 mois)
    Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    • Led the transition of services from a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture, overseeing the entire process of API design and development.
    • Significantly enhanced service productivity and maintenance by proficiently rewriting and optimizing legacy systems, resulting in a notable reduction in errors.
    •. Successfully integrated and updated third-party APIs beyond carriers, expanding the company's service portfolio to offer 95% of primary shipping methods to clients.
    • Tech Stack: Python, FastAPI, Django, DRF, PostgreSQL, Redis, Pytest, Dramatiq, RabbitMQ, Datadog, Sentry, Docker, AWS, Jira, Git, DDD.
    Python Django Fastapi Scrum Domain Driven Design Microservices Docker Aws PostgreSQL Datadog Pytest
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