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Hamdi Tarek

Motion designer / Réalisateur
  • Tarif indicatif
    125 €/ jour
  • Expérience-
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Hamdi.
Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance
E-mail vérifié
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Hamdi en quelques mots
Hi sir
skype : hamditarek4
I am a passionate engineer with proficient skills. My objective is to learn as much engineering skills as possible and to keep in touch with IT headlines. Over the last 2 years, I have developed various iOS applications using: - UIKit framework, Core Graphics for customized UI components - Core Data, iCloud integration for data storage - AV Foundation, Core image - Rest service using Php and Java Jersey - Facebook & Twitter integration using SDKs - iAd, In-App purchase, Google adMob - Offline Map using route-me library - Crashlytics, Testflight, GOOGLE ANALYTICS. My strengths include ability to work under pressure and capability of logical analytical thinking in resolving problem. I'm also able to study and apply new technologies quickly. I'm looking for opportunities to assist in making amazing iOS applications from the ground up.
You can see all my designs in my blogger
hope to get this job sir
Hamdi Tarek
  • cash go
    Instant Loan
    octobre 2014 - décembre 2014 (3 mois)
    j'était le developeur de ce site web à traver le site de,c'était un grande plaisir,aussi j'ai fait le design de site des voiture Lexus
Recommandations externes
  • web and app dev,also graphic design