Malt welcome

Bienvenue sur le profil Malt de Karel !

Malt vous permet d'accéder aux meilleurs consultants freelances pour vos projets. Contactez Karel pour échanger sur votre besoin ou recherchez d'autres profils sur Malt.

Karel Geeraert

Program Manager and Talent Development Consultant
  • Tarif indicatif
    805 €/ jour
  • Expérience15 ans et +
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponseQuelques jours
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Karel.
Localisation et déplacement
Deinze, OV, België
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Deinze et 50km autour
  • Arrondissement Brussel-Hoofdstad et 30km autour
  • Antwerpen et 30km autour
  • Brugge et 20km autour
  • Gent et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

Consulter la charte
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Compétences (30)
Domaines d’expertise
Karel en quelques mots
• Seasoned program manager with a proven track record of delivering complex and innovative solutions for various clients.
• Extensive experience in managing large and multicultural teams, building trusted client relationships, and applying sharp analytical skills and entrepreneurial mindset to achieve business success.
• Deep expertise in IT and in the skills area within HR.
• Looking for a new opportunity where I can leverage my broad expertise spanning sales, finance, legal, HR, business management and IT to contribute to the client's goals and growth.
  • AugmentYou
    Founder and Managing Partner
    octobre 2024 - Aujourd'hui (4 mois)
    • Motivated starting point of my services as a freelancer, full of energy and experience
    • Further proficiency in the latest techniques around AI (updates since 2022, including Generative AI) and close monitoring of the latest trends of leveraging AI (not just prompt engineering)
  • Career-break
    Not Applicable
    février 2023 - octobre 2024 (1 an et 8 mois)
    Assisting my son in his studies in Applied Computer Science. This also provided an extra formal and theoretical refresher of my long on-the-job experience in IT.
  • IBM for KBC
    Senior Program Manager
    décembre 2019 - février 2023 (3 ans et 2 mois)
    • Program Management of the consulting and implementation of StiPPLE for KBC.
    • Managed and mastered the delivery, client interactions and financials of the AGILE project.
    • Coordinated and interacted with various teams in Belgium, Europe, US, and China.
    • Partnered closely with KBC in co-creating, solutioning and delivering.
    • Achieved a trusted relationship with great satisfaction from KBC (NPS 10).
    • The solution (StiPPLE = Skills to improve People, Performance, Learning and Employability) is based around the skills of the employee involving following components: skill taxonomy (defining the skills throughout the processes), skill assessment, skill development, career planning, internal job mobility, progression management.
Recommandations externes
  • Master of Science
    Master Of Science (M.S.) In Business Engineering Major: Quantitative Business Management & Management Information Systems, K.U. Leuven
  • Handelsingenieur in het kwantitatief bedrijfsbeheer en de beleidsinformatica