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Saad L.

Cyber Security Expert - RSSI - CISO
  • Tarif indicatif
    730 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Saad.
Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Paris et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

Consulter la charte
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Ces profils correspondent aussi à votre recherche
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Saad en quelques mots
Ingénieur en cybersécurité avec plus de 4 ans d'experiences et une expertise produit.

Je peux vous proposer un accompagnement sur les sujets lies:
- Stratégie Cyber
- Etablissement d'une Politique de Sécurité des systèmes d'informations
- Strategie de mise en place de "Security by Design" et "Privacy by Design"
- Sensibilisation de vos collaborateurs en mettant en place des formation techniques et non-techniques
- Application de la RGPD et autres standards legals de protection des données
- Accompagnement a la gestion de crise cyber
- Mise en place d'un Vulnerability Management Program Scalable et Efficace
- Accompagnement sur des sujets GRC
  • Varonis
    Solutions Engineer
    décembre 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 2 mois)
    Paris, France
    Managed a portfolio of 50 strategic clients with over 1000 employees
    Delivered technical sales presentations, understanding customer needs and explaining added value of Varonis products
    Managed all phases of product evaluations including installations, presenting at seminars, responding to RFP’s and RFI’s
    Assisting existing client in technical challenges using our products and presenting QBR to create upsell
    Sales Cybersecurity Data privacy
  • Doctolib
    Application Security Engineer
    juillet 2020 - Aujourd'hui (4 ans et 7 mois)
    Paris, Ile-de-France, France
    ● Took part in the creation and run of our vulnerability management program
    ● Worked in close collaboration with features team to implement security by design in their project
    ● Provided technical solutions to scale security tools and processes for developers and users
    ● Active role in ensuring security measures were applied in the vaccination campaign for users in France and Germany and counting
    Vulnerability Management Application Security DevSecOps Protection des données Security Architecture
  • WISE Partners
    Security Consultant
    mars 2019 - juillet 2020 (1 an et 4 mois)
    Paris Area, France
    ● Security Analysis of a major fashion actor’s Information System
    ● Worked on several projects on GDPR compliance
    ● Security audit of the firm to obtain a certification from the French state cybersecurity agency (ANSSI)
    GRC ISO 27001 GDPR Conseil
Recommandations externes
  • Diplome d'ingenieur
    Télécom ParisTech
  • Master of Science - MS
    Secure Communications Software Development Methodologies System and Network Security Cyber-Crime and Computer Forensics Imaging Security Security Applications in Networking and Distributed Systems Information Theory Network Hardware Security Network Softwerization
  • BSc Mathematics and Physics
    King's College London
  • ISO27001 Certified ISMS Lead Implementer (CIS LI)
    International Board for IT Givernance Qualifications