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Bienvenue sur le profil Malt de Da Luz Duque !

Malt vous permet d'accéder aux meilleurs consultants freelances pour vos projets. Contactez Da Luz Duque pour échanger sur votre besoin ou recherchez d'autres profils sur Malt.

Da Luz Duque Thomas

✅ I help you reach your goals with digital strat🚀
  • Tarif indicatif
    650 €/ jour
  • ExpĂ©rience8-15 ans
  • Taux de rĂ©ponse100%
  • Temps de rĂ©ponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Da Luz Duque.
Localisation et déplacement
Bruxelles, Belgique
Peut travailler dans vos locaux Ă 
  • Bruxelles et 30km autour
  • Waterloo et 30km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

Consulter la charte
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Ces profils correspondent aussi Ă  votre recherche
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Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

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Senior Lead Developer

Audrey ChampionAC

Audrey Champion

Web developer

Domaines d’expertise
Da Luz Duque en quelques mots

I am a digital expert with 14 years of experience on both client (Caesars, Superdry, Belfius Bank) and agency sides (WPP Ogilvy Social Lab, Serviceplan, StoryMe, SPACE, Gopa, IPG Mediabrands).

I started my career in content creation and transitioned to content strategy & distribution. I understood the importance of having a performant user journey and explored UX/UI, CRM and marketing automation. I also like to make complex things simple and visual. Therefore I can also help with dashboards, KPI definition and benchmarking.

My MBTI profile is ENTP : problem solver. I like optimisation and innovation. I like challenging the status quo. I take energy from social interaction and teamwork. I like to make decisions based on logic and objective criteria.

Looking forward to helping you in your challenges.

  • Banking : Belfius, ING, BNP, Deutsche Bank, Federale Verzekering
  • Food & Beverage : Jack Daniels, Mars Group, Nespresso, KFC, Ferrero, Coca Cola, Spa,...
  • Fashion / Beauty : Superdry,
  • Entertainment : Sony Pictures, Universal, Paramount, Caesars
  • Electronic : Dyson
  • Retailers : ALDI, Picard
  • Automotive : Jeep, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Abarth, BMW
  • Health/Pharma : Newpharma, Sanofi, Ortis, MSD
  • Institutional : EU commission, DG regio, DG Com, DG Sante, EFSA, ESA, Copernicus, CIRB,...

  • UM Belgium
    Freelance Digital Expert
    août 2024 - Aujourd'hui (6 mois)
    Hoeilaart, VB, Belgium
    Account : Dyson, Picard
    Tasks : Client Management, Digital Strategy, Data analytics, CRO, Dashboarding, Benchmarking, Campaign optimisation, reportings, Sales forecasting.
  • Lighthouse Digital
    novembre 2021 - Aujourd'hui (3 ans et 3 mois)
    Waterloo, Belgium
    I moved to a freelancer position to have more flexibility to take care of my very premature daughter.

  • GOPA Com.
    Sr Digital Strategy Consultant
    mars 2023 - mars 2024 (1 an)
    Brussels Metropolitan Area, Belgium
    Clients : EU commission, DG Com, DG regio, EFSA, EC rep Germany, Copernicus, ESA...
    Tasks : Team management (Digital + PR), strategy, training, media buying...
Recommandations externes
  • MA Communications & PR