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Erwan Bougeant

Analyste Performance - Sport Automobile
3 missions
  • Tarif indicatif
    310 €/ jour
  • Expérience0-2 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse12h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Erwan.
Localisation et déplacement
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Clermont-Ferrand et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Compétences (7)
Erwan en quelques mots
Ingénieur dans le domaine de l'ingénierie automobile, spécialisé en sport automobile.

Mes différentes expériences (stages / projet étudiant) m'ont permis de travailler sur de nombreux sujets, allant de l'analyse de donnée, à l'étude et la création de modélisation complexe de systèmes. L'objectif principal de mes missions est de rechercher et d'apporter une compréhension physique plus aboutie des prototypes de course et donc d'en améliorer leur performance finale sur circuit.

Les thématiques sur lesquelles mes missions m'ont permis de développer un bagage technique sont la peformance pneumatique et la dynamique du véhicule.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout renseignement ou toute propositon.
  • Yamaha Factory Racing
    Engineer Intern
    mars 2021 - Aujourd'hui (3 ans et 11 mois)
  • Michelin
    Performance Analyst Trainee Engineer - Michelin Motorsport
    avril 2019 - juin 2020 (1 an et 2 mois)
    Région de Clermont-Ferrand, France
    ✔ Trainee in the Performance Analysis team of Michelin Motorsport department.
    • Development of tire grip models: grip estimate under dry conditions (Matlab application)
    • Optimization of grip laws for thermo-mechanical tire models (TameTire)
    • Development of a slip angle estimation methodology with Kalman filter (MotoGP application)
    • Knowledge enhancement in vehicle dynamics four wheels and two wheels
    • Understanding of tire issues (design, simulation and performance) on different applications : GT500, GTE, LMP, Formula E and Moto GP.
  • Jema By Estaca
    Project Leader
    septembre 2017 - août 2019 (1 an et 11 mois)
    Région de Laval, France
    ✔ Leader of the student project "Jema By Estaca". The first objective of the project was to create a 100% student motorsport team and to participate in a french professional championship (TTE - Trophée Tourisme Endurance) with a racing prototype, completely developed and optimized by students.

    2018 Results : 2nd place in general on 34 participants and 1st place in CM category (CM for protoypes powered by motorcycle engine).

    • Management of 30 students working on the project
    • Administrative, financial and technical management of the project (total project budget : 100 000€)
    • Technical leader in charge of the prototype development of our Jema 630 GTR : regulation, reliability, security and performance.
    • Achievement of a numerical model (CAD / ADAMS CAR) for vehicle dynamics analysis
    • Design of an aerodynamic package (CAD) for CFD analysis with EXA Corporation
3 missions Malt
  • Qualité

  • Respect des délais

  • Communication

Recommandations externes
  • Post Master Degree Motorsport Engineering Performance
    ESTACA - Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile
    Program in partnership with the company ORECA. - Group project, proposed and supervised by Michelin Motorsport : Vertical dynamics study applied to the tire/vehicle system Leader of the group composed of 6 students. Characterization of the tire vertical dynamics (stiffness, viscous damping and hysteretic damping) Creation of new equations governing the vertical dynamics applied to the tire Creation of 3 vehicle models to characterize the vertical dynamics applied to the tire/vehicle system : quarter-car model, half-car model and full vehicle model Validation of the new equations during a DIL test session - Training Course : Knowledge of the industrial sector Analysis of a regulation Racing Vehicle Design Racing Vehicle Aerodynamics Development of a racing car engine Embedded system Operations and safety on racing circuits Management
  • BAC S-SI
    Lycée Nicolas Appert
  • MSc Automotive Engineering
    ESTACA - Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile