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Malt vous permet d'accéder aux meilleurs consultants freelances pour vos projets. Contactez Jérémie pour échanger sur votre besoin ou recherchez d'autres profils sur Malt.

Jérémie Peti

Product Owner/Product Manager
  • Tarif indicatif
    600 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Jérémie.
Localisation et déplacement
Bruxelles, VB, Belgique
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Bruxelles et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

Consulter la charte
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Compétences (19)
Domaines d’expertise
Jérémie en quelques mots
Product Owner with experience building digital products with developers and designers in ecommerce and fintech. My goal is to ship things that will be valuable for the users and work for the business.

Checkout my personal website:
  • Monizze
    Product Manager
    août 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 6 mois)
    Brussels, Belgium
    • Redesigned the search bar, analyzing website heat map and doing 5 user tests, leading to a 4x boost in search relevance and 10 percentage point conversion rate increase.
    • Redesigned the payment flow, doing 3 user interviews and data analysis to ease the checkout process, yielding a 18% yearly incremental sales gain
    • Implemented products recommendation, by designing and executing A/B tests, resulting in a 5% increase in product views/user
    • Continuously interviewed users on a weekly basis and led product direction with a cross-functional team of engineers and a designer
  • Sunday
    Operations Associate
    avril 2022 - août 2022 (4 mois)
    Brussels, Belgium
    • Onboarded the first 5 restaurants in Belgium
    • Signed 2 restaurants by cold-calling, each worth in 300K yearly payment volume
    Product Manager - Payments
    septembre 2020 - mars 2022 (1 an et 6 mois)
    Brussels, Belgium
    • Grew yearly revenue by 100% by implementing price adaptations on products
    • Grew yearly revenue by 300k by implementing the launch of cross-border instant payments
    • Implemented the launch of instant payment APIs (process set-up) and onboarded 3 customers
Recommandations externes
  • Master's degree, Business Engineering, Major in Corporate Finance
    Louvain School of Management
    Master's degree, Business Engineering, Major in Corporate Finance
  • Exchange student, Business Administration
    Yonsei University 연세대학교
    Exchange student, Business Administration
  • Master of Business Engineering
    Université catholique de Louvain
    Bachelor's degree, Business Engineering, Ingénieur de gestion
  • Latin-Sciences
    Collège Saint-Michel