- MonizzeProduct ManagerE-COMMERCEaoût 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 6 mois)Brussels, Belgium
- Redesigned the search bar, analyzing website heat map and doing 5 user tests, leading to a 4x boost in search relevance and 10 percentage point conversion rate increase.
- Redesigned the payment flow, doing 3 user interviews and data analysis to ease the checkout process, yielding a 18% yearly incremental sales gain
- Implemented products recommendation, by designing and executing A/B tests, resulting in a 5% increase in product views/user
- Continuously interviewed users on a weekly basis and led product direction with a cross-functional team of engineers and a designer
- SundayOperations AssociateBANQUE & ASSURANCESavril 2022 - août 2022 (4 mois)Brussels, Belgium
- Onboarded the first 5 restaurants in Belgium
- Signed 2 restaurants by cold-calling, each worth in 300K yearly payment volume
- BNP PARIBAS FORTISProduct Manager - PaymentsBANQUE & ASSURANCESseptembre 2020 - mars 2022 (1 an et 6 mois)Brussels, Belgium
- Grew yearly revenue by 100% by implementing price adaptations on products
- Grew yearly revenue by 300k by implementing the launch of cross-border instant payments
- Implemented the launch of instant payment APIs (process set-up) and onboarded 3 customers
- Master's degree, Business Engineering, Major in Corporate FinanceLouvain School of Management2018Master's degree, Business Engineering, Major in Corporate Finance
- Exchange student, Business AdministrationYonsei University 연세대학교2017Exchange student, Business Administration
- Master of Business EngineeringUniversité catholique de Louvain2016Bachelor's degree, Business Engineering, Ingénieur de gestion
- Latin-SciencesCollège Saint-Michel2012Latin-Sciences