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Jérémy Dillenbourg

Developer web backend | PHP | Laravel
1 recommandation
  • Tarif indicatif
    580 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse24h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Jérémy.
Localisation et déplacement
Gembloux, NA, Belgique
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Jérémy en quelques mots
Besoin d'un developer backend? Pour faire du PHP?

Je peux vous aider dans vos projets ou les lancer de A à Z (web&mobile).

Avec +10 ans d'expérience pro (et 20 en tant que passionné), je me concentre désormais sur le développement de produit en suivant les standards de qualité du code.

J'ai gagné de l'expérience pour développer du code de qualité, mais aussi pour isoler la legacy and la rendre évolutive et maintenable.

J'ai notamment travaillé sur plusieurs sites e-commerce, sur des Saas ou Baas (banking) comptant plusieurs millier d'utilisateur.

Je suis Belge, francophone et travaillant principalement en anglais les 7 dernières années.

Contactez-moi, un message pour faire connaissance ne coûte rien.

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    Boulogne-Billancourt, France
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    My role there as a senior software engineer is to support the need for core technical improvement and support their growth.
    PHP TDD Hexagonal Architecture
  • Izix
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  • Casper development
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    PHP Service client support client
1 recommandation externe

Christophe Massin recommande Jérémy

Christophe MassinCM
Christophe Massin
I highly recommend Jeremy. I had the pleasure of working with him for four years, during which time he joined our company as a developer. I remember being impressed with his attention to detail when he included a Nyan Cat Easter egg in his application code, and he showed up that passion through all the work with did together.

Throughout those four years, Jeremy demonstrated a passion for code quality, always going above and beyond to ensure that his work was not only completed efficiently but also met the highest standards. His ability to produce an incredible amount of code and features is unparalleled, and he consistently delivers quality work that aligns with our company’s values.
Not only has Jeremy grown in his technical skills, but he has also developed his interpersonal and communication skills. He has become a good teacher, always eager to share his knowledge and discoveries with his colleagues. His expertise in testing, architecture, domain-driven design, and infrastructure make him an invaluable asset to any team or company.

Overall, Jeremy is an exceptional developer and an asset to any team. I strongly recommend him for any development role and am confident that he would be an outstanding addition to your team.
  • Informatique de gestion
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  • CESS Secondaire général, Mathematics & Sciences
    Collège sainte gertrude Nivelles
    CESS Secondaire général, Mathematics & Sciences