- DISECTFounder & Value Creation Management Consultantjanvier 2023 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 1 mois)United StatesYour Client won't buy your product or stay loyal if you don't create value. I help my Clients to Create Value and innovate. I structure the analysis, diagnose and make high value recommendations. From Value Creation on Processes, Product and Market: Value Creation opportunities.• Value Creation Consulting• Trainings• Offer Designing• Maturity Assessement
- Square ManagementConsultant seniorCONSEIL & AUDITmars 2017 - décembre 2022 (5 ans et 9 mois)Paris, France• Marketing project Management• Business Process Audit• Recommendations• Marketing Campaign Management• Management• Project management
- AllianzResponsable de projetBANQUE & ASSURANCESoctobre 2022 - décembre 2022 (2 mois)Bruxelles, VB, BelgiqueIn charge of the Launch of a website and outsourcing of document production processes in the context of PRIIPS and SFDR regulations.
- Management & StrategyICD PARIS - IGS Group2015Business Management - Marketing - Strategy