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Tim De Bruyn

Freelance developer: Java, Flutter, Angular, HTML
  • Tarif indicatif
    600 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse75%
  • Temps de réponse4h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Tim.
Localisation et déplacement
Sint-Niklaas, OV, België
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Sint-Niklaas et 50km autour

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Compétences (30)
Tim en quelques mots
Tim is a senior developer working as an analyst/programmer IT since 2007. He started in Oracle, but later specialized in Java related technologies. He has knowledge of both backend and frontend development. Tim has a driven personality, likes technical challenges, and fits well in a team.

The first three years of his career Tim worked as an Oracle consultant. His task consisted of writing customizations at the Oracle ERP system for customers. The technologies he used the most at that time were SQL and Java. He worked on projects at Telenet, Ministry of the Flemish community and the European Parliament.

Then he decided to make the switch towards pure Java development. He worked on a project at ING and later he was permanently employed at Newtec. Frameworks he used were Hibernate, Spring, Jsp and Struts. For Ordina, he worked on projects at RJV, Proximus and Volvo Cars. He did both backend and frontend development, with use of GWT, Spring, Hibernate, Angular, Openshift, ...

Apart from his main job he founded Web & Things which focused on building websites and web applications. In 2022 he decided to leave his employee role and found App & Running to become a freelance consultant. His focus is still on building Java related applications but besides that he still builds websites and also mobile applications using the Flutter framework
  • App & Running
    Software Engineer
    novembre 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 3 mois)
    Freelance consultancy, mostly developing or adapting java applications on a project basis in the customer's offices. Also available for web design (html, css, wordpress), web applications, mobile apps (flutter for android/iOS, web)
    JavaScript Java Spring Flutter Android iOS Angular SQL
  • Ordina Belgium
    Java consultant
    février 2013 - octobre 2022 (9 ans et 8 mois)
    Developing or adapting java applications on a project basis in the customer's offices.
    Java JavaScript Angular Hibernate Spring Spring boot OpenShift
  • Web & Things
    octobre 2014 - octobre 2022 (8 ans et 1 mois)
    Developing web sites, web applications and mobile apps
    Wordpress HTML5 CSS
Recommandations externes
  • Master of Business Administration
    Universiteit Gent
    Master, additional study business administration
  • Master of Business Informatics
    Ghent University
    Master, Informatics
  • Modern languages - Mathematics
    Hemaco Dendermonde
    Modern languages - Mathematics