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Malt vous permet d'accéder aux meilleurs consultants freelances pour vos projets. Contactez Yordi pour échanger sur votre besoin ou recherchez d'autres profils sur Malt.

Yordi Van Dessel

Full Stack Webdeveloper | Laravel & WordPress
  • Tarif indicatif
    800 €/ jour
  • Expérience8-15 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponse1h
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Yordi.
Localisation et déplacement
Heist-op-den-Berg, België
En télétravail uniquement
Travaille majoritairement à distance

Charte du freelance Malt signée

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Yordi en quelques mots
Creating websites and software since 2012. I focus on PHP webapplications and am well experienced with Laravel, WordPress, WooCommerce, VueJS, ...
With my thorough knowledge of back-end and front-end development, I can smoothly develop applications from start to finish.

Find my website on
  • Onoweb
    Freelance webdeveloper
    avril 2014 - Aujourd'hui (10 ans et 10 mois)
    3130 Begijnendijk, Belgium
    Development of websites, online stores, plugins, and fully custom web applications. In addition to development, I also offer on-page and off-page search engine optimization to increase the visibility of websites.
  • Artcore Society
    Fullstack PHP webdeveloper & Team Lead
    septembre 2021 - Aujourd'hui (3 ans et 5 mois)
    Antwerp, Belgium
    The goal of Celestial Group is to provide customers with a comprehensive package of high-quality and innovative solutions in all aspects of company branding, marketing, web, 3D, and AR/VR.
  • Be-Housing
    Web Developer
    avril 2012 - août 2021 (9 ans et 4 mois)
    Diest, Belgium
    Responsible for developing and maintaining new and existing web applications. Cloud applications for tracking reservations, pricing, billing, marketing tools, personnel management, task management, customer management and more... Multilingual websites with reservation system, payment system and customer portal.
Recommandations externes
  • NMCT - New Media and Communication Technology
    Howest - Bachelor of New Media and Communication Technology
    NMCT - New Media and Communication Technology
  • Informatics
    Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven
  • A2, Informatics
    Sancta Maria Aarschot
    A2, Informatics